A workflow for Integrated Core Data Modelling System (ICDMS)

Benefits and Advantages

Practical and easily used System, integrating all data.
More optimal data preparation for dynamic reservoir simulation.
Superior reservoir simulation models.
Use of the System saves time and money.


ICDMS 4.0 software is expected to be formally released in the first half of 2022.

ICDMS: Integrated Core Data Modelling System


ICDMS allows for excellent quality checking of commercial laboratory data and subsequent superior modelling of rock types using a modified Hydraulic Flow Zone Unit approach and novel formulations for the prediction of SCAL relationships. Use of the advanced System leads to more informed and better development decisions of petroleum accumulation discoveries. Substantial cost savings are realized from reduced requirements for lab data acquisition. A real game changer is the significant reduction in analysis time due to the intelligent nature of the software.

The software has been designed to quality check routine (RCA) and special (SCAL) laboratory core analysis data. The validated and, when appropriate, corrected data is integrated into a framework of “endpoint” correlations, facilitating prediction to fill data gaps. All necessary core and related data are subsequently prepared for reservoir and petrophysical engineering calculations, and reservoir simulation. SCAL relationships are predicted with universal models for all Hydraulic Flow Zone Units (HFZUs) identified, where the layering also defines optimal formation subdivision for gridding of reservoir simulation models in the bed normal/vertical direction, replacing customary upscaling, now not required.

ORZ: Optimal Reservoir Zonation of Cored Intervals


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There are two key features:

  • Automated Hydraulic Flow Zone Unit (HFZU) determination.
  • Determination of average porosity and permeability for each HFZU determined.
Under Implementation
Under Implementation

CP2: Capillary Pressure Prediction


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There are two key features:

  • Quality checking and validation of CP lab data.
  • Prediction of suitable CP relationships for every HFZU.
Under Implementation

RP2: Relative Permeability Prediction


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There are three key features:

  • Quality checking and validation of RP lab data.
  • Prediction of suitable RP relationships for every HFZU.
  • Universal formulation permits forward and reverse modelling.

Highlight Papers

SPE192109 The Importance of Optimal Choice of Relative Permeability Relationships in Reservoir Simulation

SPE186951 Optimal Zonation of Geological Formations and Identification of Pore Structures for Sandstone Reservoirs, Including variation in Cementation and Fining Sequences

SPE186949 Capillary Pressure Drainage Curves: Modelling and Prediction of Capillary Entry Pressure

SPE182469 Modelling of Drainage Capillary Pressure: A Comparative Study of Various Analytical Capillary Pressure Formulations in Matching Laboratory Results

SPE182457 Modelling of Drainage Capillary Pressure: Using the Modified Carman-Kozeny Purcell Model to Identify the Type of Pore Throat Distribution Inherent in Laboratory Data

IPTC15230 Wettability Quantification: Prediction of Wettability for Australian Formations

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